Pizza fri-yay goin' down here!
I love this high protein flat out pizza! It boasts around 35g protein, keeps you full, fills that craving, and you get to eat the whole thing!
Ingredients 1/4 cup pizza sauce (I make my own by adding crushed tomatoes to sautéed garlic and onion and italian spices to taste)
1/3 cup mozzarella cheese
2/3 cup skim ricotta cheese
1.5 chicken sausage links
1 high fiber flat out

1. Brush with olive oil & garlic paste.
2. Add tomato sauce
3. Dot with ricotta cheese and spread carefully with the back of a fork
4. Add chicken sausage
5. Sprinkle with cheese & spices
6. Bake at 425 for 13-15 minutes
Serve with a garbage salad! And pssst that garbage salad has cilantro, bacon & feta! Yum!
Nope… not feeling deprived at all!